If you are the type of person who hates to run errands, you’ll be happy to know that technology has come a long way in the past decade. Now you can do many things online that you once would have to venture outside of your home to complete. You can even find someone else online to complete that unwanted task for you if you wish. What is your least favorite errand? Maybe it will be something on this list. Here are several tasks made easier through technology:
Buying Groceries: Going grocery shopping can be an intense experience – especially during the weekend. You have to worry about finding a parking spot, wait in line at checkout, and deal with crowded aisles. And you always run the risk of forgetting something and having to go back. Multiple grocery stores across the country now offer online shopping, so you can shop on their e-commerce store and have it delivered to your home for a small fee. Mashable compiled a great list of online grocers that is worth a scan.
Renewing Your Registration: Going to the DMV or tax collector’s office to renew your car registration can be quite the hassle. It is open only for limited hours and there is always surely a line. If you work during the hours of operation or can’t make it to the location, eTags, an online courier service, may be able to help you renew your vehicle registration register online depending on the state you live
Send a Package: In addition to the DMV or tax collector’s office, you can now avoid going to the post office if you prefer. Every major shipping company, including USPS, offers pick-up services, postage calculation, online labeling services, and more to provide customers with the most convenience possible when shipping their packages.
Most Other Errands Imaginable: Don’t have time to clean the house before the dinner party? Do you need someone to assemble a piece of furniture for you or clean out your gutters? You can now enlist help for any of these small projects online through a number of different websites that connect individuals with cleaning people, handymen, technology experts, and other professionals.
If you don’t have the time or energy to get a certain errand done, there might be an app or some other technological solution for that. Do some research online to see what services are available so you can make more efficient use of your time and patience.